Marietta high school will have an awards ceremony on Monday May 16 at 2:00 pm in the auditorium. Parents are welcome to attend.

Baccalaureate for Marietta’s graduating class of 2021 is this Sunday, May 15 at 6:00 pm in the Marietta auditorium.

Marietta 6th-12th graders sounded amazing at the spring choir concert. They sang songs from Adele and Michael Jackson to The Bee Gees and Ike and Tina Turner.

A few Marietta high school Honor Society students helped clean up the pioneer museum in preparation of Frontier Days which starts June 3rd-June 5th.

Congratulations to Paulette Manning on her retirement. Paulette has been the school nurse at Marietta for five years. Staff and students wish her well on her new adventures!

Special Olympics teammates hosted a parade through the school parking lot this year. Covid restrictions changed this year's activities which meant student's participated at their own school but wanting to make sure it was still a special event coaches planned extra events, including the parade.

Middle School Awards Assembly is Monday, May 17 at 9:00 am in the auditorium. Parents, please arrive early to be seated in the front, social distance protocols in place. Masks are optional. Look forward to seeing you Monday morning.

2021 Yearbooks are in and extras are available for purchase for $65. If you would like to purchase one please contact Mrs. Ramon at lramon@mariettaisd.org.

Elementary Awards assembly is Wednesday, May 19. See attached image for scheduled time for each grade. Parents are welcome. Please be considerate and social distance when appropriate.

Marietta athletes make the front page of The Ardmoreite! Congratulations for a job well done by all.

Choir students practicing hard for concert Thursday night. Come to the auditorium Thursday night at 7:00 to see our awesome performers!!

A great ending to Teacher Appreciation week - club sandwiches and chicken salad sandwiches from the Taste. Thank you to all the parents who helped us celebrate our awesome teachers!!!

Four winners have already been chosen to receive some fabulous Marietta gear. Monday the grand prize of two all season Marietta Athletic Passes will be awarded. Don't miss your chance to win this prize. Enroll your students this weekend and maybe you'll be the next winner announced!

2nd graders came to visit a 3rd grade class today. They had “professional 3rd graders” explain a day in the life of an elementary student.

Students entering 7th grade must have a T-DAP shot prior to school starting in August. Parents, please call the health department or your doctor to get these scheduled. Thank you

Don’t forget...our Mandatory Pre-screening for NEW Pre-K and Kindergarten students is May 17-20. Please call the Primary Office to make an appointment.

Mr. Galloway presented the Marietta band as well as future band members at the combined band concert. Students grades 6th-12th performed amazingly. Great job!!!

Thank you MS STUCO, FCCLA and parents for teacher appreciation goodies. Today was a popcorn bar, sliders and spinner sandwiches with desserts. We appreciate all your support.

Congratulations to the first two winners of the online enrollment prize drawing. Winning some Marietta gear were Missy Tunnell and Marisa Sanchez.
Complete enrollment to be eligible for continued prize drawings with the final drawing of two all season athletic passes for the 21-22 school year on May 12.

Our Pre-K Classes had lots of fun with Nursery Rhymes yesterday! Here’s Mrs. Blevins and her class all dressed up as their favorite nursery rhyme!