Marietta Lady Indians Powerlifting - Little Axe Invitational
JH Girls - Lexi Hickman - 5th Place
HS Girls -
Haley Wilkerson - 2nd Place Medalist
Cece Chiffer - 3rd Place Medalist

Marietta Indians Powerlifting - Little Axe Invitational
Junior High Boys - Tuesday, January 21, 2025
7th grade
Ricky Flores - 198 lb division - 3rd place medalist - 515 lb total
8th grade
Noah Hearell - 105 lb division - 9th place - 335 lb total
Jason Daniel - 123 lb division - 3rd place medalist - 570 lb total
Alex Perez - 123 lb division - 8th place - 500 lb total
Bentley Black - 123 lb division - 10th place - 405 lb total
Stoney Hickman - 157 lb division - 7th place - 645 lb total
High School Boys - Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Santiago Diaz - 132 lb division - 5th place medalist - 710 lb total
Kash Matthews - 145 lb division - 8th place - 755 lb total
Joan Vega - 181 lb division - 3rd place medalist 1065 lb total
Adan Gomez - 220 lb division - 8th place - 955 lb total

Revolutionary War Simulations were occurring this week in fifth grade, at the elementary. Each student is a character from history that is involved in the war efforts. They make decisions based on information given and earn or lose points based on those decisions. They are competitive fifth graders!

Third graders learned about the history of Martin Luther King Jr. They each wrote about their own dream for their school or themself.

Shoutout to our December Staff Member of the Month, Mrs. Sanchez!! Mrs. Sanchez is always keeping a positive attitude and always willing to lend a helping hand to those around her. We are so appreciative of Mrs. Sanchez's work ethic that she brings to the table every single day, with a smile on her face!! So proud to have you as part of our tribe!!

Congratulations to Ace Austin and Eva Bucher for their excellent performance in the OKMEA 2025 High School All State Honor Choir.

OPAA Food Service is hiring for Marietta Schools. Contact OPPA to apply.

Senior Class Parents
FAFSA Parent Meeting tomorrow night January 22nd @ 5:30pm in MHS (Commons Area) Representatives from TRIO will be here to help parents complete the FAFSA that is mandatory this year.

Mark your calendars!! February 12, 2025

Pre-K students learned all about polar bears this week!

Congratulations to Stetson Willis and Anali Barron - both students won 1st place in the area competition for the OACD/OACSE poster contest. Both students received a plaque and a $20.00 check and will now move on the state contest to be judged at a later date.

Don't Forget! Class Pictures for PK-5 is TOMORROW, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. Your child should have brought home this form. :)

Arbuckle Winter Classic 2025 Consolation

Senior Class Parents TONIGHT!!
FAFSA Parent Meeting January 14th @ 5:00pm in MHS (Commons Area) Representatives from TRIO will be here to help parents complete the FAFSA that is mandatory this year.

Basketball pictures for grades 6-12 will be Wednesday, January 15 during the athletic period. Athletes are bringing home picture packets today!!!

The Middle School staff member of the month for December is Ms. LeeAnn Hicks. Ms. Hicks teaches 6th grade English/Reading and is her 26th year of teaching. Students said this about her: "She is nice, caring, understanding and is always willing to help", "She's everyone's favorite teacher" and "She is kind, she is pretty and she is always helpful when we don't understand things." Congratulations Ms. Hicks!!!!

Congratulations to the December Middle School students of the month. 8th graders Erick Vazques Morones and Nathalie Sanchez Salas; 7th graders Arian Casas Palacios and Mallory Robertson and 6th graders Ivan Vega and Addison Kretzschmar.

ATTENTION Senior Class Parents
FAFSA Parent Meeting has been rescheduled!
Senior Class Parents mark your calendar!! FAFSA Parent Meeting January 14th @ 5:00pm in MHS (Commons Area) Representatives from TRIO will be here to help parents complete the FAFSA that is mandatory this year.

Mark your calendars....... Thursday, January 30, 2025

🌟 A Message from Your District Nurse 🌟 Happy New Year, Marietta families!
As we prepare to welcome your amazing kiddos back to school, we want to share some important reminders to help keep everyone healthy: 🧥 Wash Those Winter Layers! Please wash all jackets, gloves, hats, and scarves before sending them back to school. Germs can linger on clothing, so a fresh start will help keep everyone feeling their best. ❄️ Bundle Up! Temperatures will be frigid, so make sure your child is dressed warmly. Layers are key to staying comfortable and safe during these cold days! 🧹 A Clean Start Our incredible custodial crew has been hard at work over the break, giving every space an unbeatable deep clean to cut down on germs. Teachers will also continue wiping down surfaces daily. 🖐️ Healthy Habits Matter We will be encouraging all students to: •Wash hands often and thoroughly. •Avoid sharing drinks or personal items. •Cough into their elbow and wash hands after blowing their nose. •Use hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available. Parents, please help us by reminding your children of these simple, but important steps. Working together, we can keep everyone healthy and ready to learn! We can’t wait to see your kiddos and start this semester strong. Thank you for partnering with us to make Marietta Public Schools a healthy and happy place! 💓 See you bright and early on Tuesday 1/7/25 Nurse Ludwyck
🌟 Un Mensaje de Su Enfermera del Distrito 🌟
¡Feliz Año Nuevo, familias de Marietta! Mientras nos preparamos para dar la bienvenida a sus increíbles niños de regreso a la escuela, queremos compartir algunos recordatorios importantes para ayudar a mantener a todos saludables:
🧥 ¡Laven Esas Capas de Invierno!
Por favor, laven todas las chaquetas, guantes, gorros y bufandas antes de enviarlos de regreso a la escuela. Los gérmenes pueden permanecer en la ropa, así que un comienzo fresco ayudará a que todos se sientan lo mejor posible.
❄️ ¡Abríguense Bien!
Las temperaturas estarán muy frías, así que asegúrense de que sus hijos estén vestidos de manera abrigada. ¡Las capas son clave para mantenerse cómodos y seguros durante estos días fríos!
🧹 Un Comienzo Limpio
Nuestro increíble equipo de limpieza ha estado trabajando arduamente durante las vacaciones, realizando una limpieza profunda en todos los espacios para reducir los gérmenes. Los maestros también continuarán limpiando las superficies diariamente.
🖐️ Los Hábitos Saludables Importan
Estaremos animando a todos los estudiantes a:
• Lavarse las manos con frecuencia y a fondo.
• Evitar compartir bebidas o artículos personales.
• Toser en el codo y lavarse las manos después de sonarse la nariz.
• Usar desinfectante de manos cuando no haya agua y jabón disponible.
Padres, por favor ayúdennos recordándoles a sus hijos estos pasos simples pero importantes. ¡Trabajando juntos, podemos mantener a todos saludables y listos para aprender!
Estamos emocionados por ver a sus niños y comenzar este semestre con fuerza. ¡Gracias por colaborar con nosotros para hacer de las Escuelas Públicas de Marietta un lugar saludable y feliz!
💓 Nos vemos temprano el martes 1/7/25.
Nurse Ludwyck