
By: Joani Hartin, Public Information Officer

Marietta FFA ag mechanics students traveled east on February 26 to participate in the FFA Fresh County Ag Mechanics Show hosted by the Hugo FFA Chapter and held at the Choctaw County Fairgrounds.

You know that team that has all the other teams groaning when they see the bus roll up because they know their competition has just arrived? Well, Marietta is that team. They went, they saw, they conquered, winning four of the 10 show divisions, and the ones they didn’t win outright, they placed highly in.

Brody Bazor was the machinery division champion and grand champion of show.

Leo Venegas showed the champion tandem trailer, Taylor McCleskey had the champion entry in the livestock division, and Aubrey Chill was champion in the large horseshoe division.

Schuyler Blevins was reserve champion in the single axle trailer division, Allie Hice was reserve champion in the large horseshoe division, and Camilla Ochoa was reserve champion of the outdoor division.

Samuel Alvarez placed third in fire pits and Kevin Bain and Joe Oakley won third place in the machinery division.

“I’m super proud of the job the kids did and feel like we have a very promising future with all the young kids wanting to participate in ag mechanics,” said advisor Josh Bazor.

As they have for the past several years, Marietta FFA killed it at the Hugo show – or fabricated it, as the case may be.